In This article How to Find the Right Roofing Contractor For You. Whether you need a roof repair or a complete replacement, you are investing in the roof over your head, so it is important that your roofer is a good one. You want to make sure you do some research before you settle on a roofer. There have been cases where roofers cheat homeowners by disappearing after payments, so be sure to really do your research so you can get an idea about what your roofing company and their contractors are like. Here are some ways that you can make sure you get the right contractor for you:

Find out about their reputation

You start your research by first looking up their website, making sure it’s legitimate, and reading their reviews. You should probably also give them a call in order to get a quote. Find out their locations, if they have multiple ones, and find out if their physical location is a real one. If they give a PO box, be sure to get a normal address from them too. You should also check out their customer testimonials in order to ensure that their services are as good as they say and those previous customers got what they asked for. If you have heard about their company before, have seen their trucks around town, or have been recommended by your neighbors who have used their services, chances are, they are a reputable company.

Make sure they are licensed and insured

You want to make sure that the contractor is licensed and insured in the case of an injury or accident. You also want to make sure that you aren’t held accountable for any accidents or mistakes that might happen during your roofing. A reputable residential roofing company should have general liability to protect your home from damage done by a contractor. They should also have workers’ compensation in order to provide coverage in case a contractor is injured on the job. Make sure that you check credentials while you are doing research for your potential roofing company.

Get a quote on paper

You should always call or get a quote online. Whether it is through an email or on physical paper, you should be able to see the full prices of all services needed, materials, labor costs, and other costs breakdowns. This way, you can be sure that you are fully informed about what the full costs are. You should be wary of contractors trying to ask you to sign a contract for an under-the-table payment. It is also helpful that you do this while you are shopping so that you can easily compare prices.

Secure a warranty

Getting a good warranty is a smart decision since a good roofer that is sure and proud of their work should offer one anyways. This will ensure that if there are any issues before the warranty is over, you can get it fixed.

Don’t decide purely off the price

Avoid asking for quotes and just pick the cheapest one; this is a mistake a lot of people make hence you should avoid. If you focus purely on price, you will get what you pay for, and that might not be a quality choice. You will want to make sure to balance out quality with what you can afford.

Custom Contracting is a family-owned company that provides roofing, siding, custom window and door installation, and eavestrough contractor services in and around Burlington and Hamilton Ontario – get in touch today to see how we can help!