You recently had a window installation, but instead of feeling satisfied with your new windows, you feel that there is something wrong with them. It could be that you are encountering more problems with your new windows than you ever had with your old ones. Perhaps the windows simply don’t look right to you. Either way, there is a high chance that something went wrong with your window installation. Here are some of the most common issues that you may run into after having a poor window installation:

Bad Fit

It should be quite obvious if your windows don’t fit right. In fact, you can see the bad fit from far away. You may also notice that your windows are too flimsy.

Difficulties Opening and Closing Windows

If you had your new windows installed during the colder months when you don’t really open your windows that often, then problems with opening and closing your windows may not be detected for quite some time. When summer comes, however, you may not be able to hide your surprise when you find that you cannot open or close your windows at all. When you can, your windows may still get stuck often.

Cracks on Windows

If windows have not been installed properly, cracks can form on them. In some cases, the workers make mistakes by manoeuvring the glass incorrectly. This means that you can request for a refund or a free new installation.

Condensation Inside of Window Panes

When it is too great of a difference between the inside temperature and the outside temperature, your windows may appear wet as though it was just raining. Some condensation on your windows is acceptable, but not when you see it inside of the window panes. When this happens, it means that something is structurally wrong with your windows.


If you see a draft coming from the windows, chances are the installation was not handled properly. This can be seen much more clearly in the winter.

Messy Caulking

Caulking is the clay-like sealant that helps to seal gaps around your windows, preventing pests and other elements from getting inside the house. When caulking is poorly applied, things can look very messy. It could be that the workers were working hastily, or maybe they did not clean the area properly before applying the caulking.


If you see wet stains in your carpet or the mould along the base of your walls, chances are there are leaks somewhere. Even if you don’t see any water, you will still be able to smell or feel it.

Discoloured Windows

Poor window installation can cause your windows to become discoloured, specifically a yellowish tint. It goes without saying that your windows will not look as aesthetically pleasing as you may have hoped.

Higher Energy Consumption

One of the least apparent problems is the increase in energy consumption resulting from a poor window installation. That is because poorly installed windows can let a serious amount of heat escape from your house, resulting in higher utility bills. As a big portion of heat seeps out of your home, you end up turning the heat up and running it for a long period of time. This increase may go unnoticed until the colder months arrive

Custom Contracting is a family-owned company that provides roofing, siding, custom window and door installation, and eavestrough contractor services in and around Burlington and Hamilton, Ontario – get in touch today to see how we can help!